The International Society of Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR), is a staff-supported, member driven organization with 500+ members located in over 20 countries around the world.
The society provides a multidisciplinary forum for basic and clinical scientists, provides member benefits and holds regular meetings in order to:
Mark Hollands (Europe) Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
Vivian Weerdesteyn, (Europe) Radboud University Medical Centre
Kim Delbaere (Asia-Pacific) Univeristy of New South Wales, Australia
Nicoleta Bugnariu, (Americas) University of North Texas Health Science Center, United States of America
Mark Carpenter (Americas) University of British Columbia, Canada
Anouk Lamontagne, (Americas) McGill University
Mirjam Pijnappels, (Europe) MOVE Research Institute
Shinya Masahiro, (Asia-Pacific) The University of Tokyo
William Geoffrey Wright, (Americas) Temple University
Sjoerd Bruijn, (Europe) VU Amsterdam
Sue Lord, (Asia-Pacific) Auckland University of Technology
Anat Mirelman, (Asia-Pacific) Tel Aviv University
Board members can be nominated, or self nominate, to sit on the Board of Directors for a Board Term. Each term typically lasts four years in duration and elections are held every two years. The ISPGR member base vote on and determine the Board of Directors.
To be accepted for nomination all nominees:
The board is particularly interested in members with skill sets related to organisational leadership, for example: Financial Management, Sponsorship / Partner Relations, Social Media / Communications, and skills transferable to managing and leading the Society.
Board members are expected to:
The International Society of Posturography was established in 1969 by a group of basic scientists and clinicians who had similar interests in quantifying postural sway during stance. Most of the Society members in the first years were from Europe and Japan.
The first meetings took place in Madrid (1971), Smolenice (1973), Paris (1975), Sofia (1977), Amsterdam (1979), Kyoto (1981), and Houston (1983).
By the 1992 meeting in Portland, Oregon, the Society had grown to over 300 members worldwide and member interests expanded to include sensory and motor control neurophysiology, biomechanics, movement disorders, neural circuitry, vestibular function, neurological disorders, effects of development and aging, rehabilitation, robotics, modeling, neural compensation, and motor learning as related to control of balance and gait.
At the 1983 meeting in Houston the founders realized that interest in posturography had expanded to include the entire area of balance and gait control and at the annual meeting in 1986, the Society was renamed to The International Society for Postural and Gait Research, however it was more familiarly known as the International Society for Posture and Gait Research.
In 2010, recognizing opportunities to grow the organization, the board secured professional association and conference management support and made the decision to host a conference with the Gait and Mental Function Conference.
The first joint ISPGR and Gait and Mental Function group conference was held in Trondheim, Norway (2012). The 2012 meeting was also the first meeting in a test of running the meeting in consecutive years. Additional meetings in this cycle included Akita, Japan (2013), Vancouver, Canada (2014) and Seville, Spain (2015). During these years, the Society revamped its Articles, decided to return to